• +91 8329771588
  • envirocivilsolutions@gmail.com
  • Bele Chambers, Vishrambag, Sangli

About us

ECS (Environmental and Civil Engineering Solutions) was set up in 2021 with the objective of contributing to the development of the society, industries as well as institutes in terms of resource efficiency, energy management, green technology, better environmental performance. We are located in Sangli, Maharashtra and operational all over India.


We are a multi-faceted experienced team in the field of Environmental audit, energy audits, water audits, carbon audit, and in water, waste water and solid waste management. Past experience of conducting environmental audits including educational building and conducting training programmes on various technical subjects of the interest of the institutes and industry.

What we do?

ECS is a professional consulting firm working in various aspects of the environment and civil engineering filed providing tailor made consultancy services to industry as well as to the institutes.

Energy efficiency and management-

The Industry sector accounts for 40% of the country’s total energy consumption. Energy efficient processes and other energy saving measures can bring about considerable savings. An analysis shows that India avoided an additional 15% of annual energy demand and 350 million tons of carbon di oxide emissions between 2000 and 2021 by adopting energy efficiency in industry, agricultural and domestic sectors. However, there is still potential of improvement.

  • Energy Audit of industries, institutes and commercial buildings
  • Environmental audits of industries and institutes
  • Fire and noise audit
  • Swachh and Green campus

Water conservation and management-

According to World Bank, the demand of water for industrial use and power generation is increasing at the rate of 42 per cent per annum. It is clear from different estimates that demand for water in industries has been continuously increasing. Water consumption was overlooked by the industries until recent times, simple reason being the low cost at which water is available.

  • Water audit
  • Carbon footprint and benchmarking studies for the manufacturing sector
  • Water and waste water best practices
  • Water, waste water and solid waste management

Waste management studies-

The major problems affecting solid waste management are unscientific treatment, improper collection of waste, and ethical problems. This in turn leads to hazards like environmental degradation, water pollution, soil pollution, and air pollution. Solid waste whether industrial or municipal has been a challenge to deal with.

  • Feasibility study for characterization, quantification of Solid and plastic waste
  • Waste audit
  • Develop industrial and institutional solid waste management plan
  • Solid waste management plan for specific sectors